Thursday, August 10, 2006

without permission

After mentioning to yesterday's mentioned friend that I mentioned that she mentioned I was self-centered, she clarified with 'self-reliant' and 'independent' - not so negative after all.
I've been spending wonderful time in the basement doing basement improvement activities that I did not have to ask permission to do. This evening at 7:15 I decided it was high time I stencil the bathroom. So I did. Perhaps some evening I will think it is high time to put the finishing around the bathroom door. But since I don't know what that finishing is called and it all comes down to nuts and screws kinda stuff, maybe I'll stick to stenciling. Now I am facing the fact that I will have to do about 20 more of those little sections to actually finish the project. Perhaps I should look into redefining 'finished'. Like my walls now have pictures on them so they are 'finished' and I needn't worry about finishing the wall beyond the sheet rock.
So this is my 'free' time being spent on whatever I am in the mood to spend it on. Thankfully it has been quite productive lately. I wish I could read and stencil at the same time. I suppose I could try audio books, but I guess that actually sounds extraordinarily geeky and I wouldn't confess to it anyway. School starts in less than a month and then I will have no free time and it will not matter one hoot what I think I want to be doing other than homework.

(Fish tank update: nitrite levels are back to 'safe' - "Fishtanks are like zits - messing with 'em just makes 'em worse")

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