Tuesday, August 08, 2006

shower crickets and cliches

The day was not off to a good start when after going to sleep at 1AM I woke this morning at quarter to 6. Laying there trying to go back to sleep I suddenly realized that I had not filled out my financial aid application for this school year. I was sure all deadlines had passed and I would be up a creek for assistance for (finally) my last year. I got up to check the FAFSA website and my fears were confirmed - the deadline was July 2nd. I was certainly not going to get any more sleep. Mom was up soonly and I sat and sobbed about my forthcoming financial hardships. I was suddenly convinced that my nearly 20-year-old car's transmission would go out as soon as it caught wind of my current situation. At 6:30 this morning the rising gas prices were a very big deal. I knew that with my heavy course load I would not be working much this fall and my life was surely slipping further into a financial abyss. It didn't matter that since I have saved money by living in the basement I would be able to pay for the school year - it only mattered that all was lost (and it wasn't yet 7AM). By the time I got to my shower to get ready for work, the cricket that I found in the tub was a lucky cricket that I did rescue it and put it outside rather than smash it and leave its smear as a warning to all the other crickets that inhabit the basement. It was when I got in the shower that I noticed that it had pooped all over the tub. By that time I figured if someone can rain on your parade; a cricket can shit on your shower.

The day improved. As it turns out, 6AM is not the ideal time for me to check dates for anything (or, apparently, cope with any difficult news) and the deadline is July 2, 2007. I will be allowed more student loans to add to my mounting debt after all. Perhaps it is all about lucky cricket karma and I ought not smash my nest egg before its laid. So, all's well that ends well and maybe my transmission will hang on for another 3 years.

Pictures keep coming in from the trip. I've decided that unfinished walls need not mean unpictured. If a picture's worth a thousand words, my basement finally has a lot to say.The beach at Pangani
This picture is either titled 'mud' or 'beach patterns 03'. I don't suppose at that level of creativity it matters much which I call it.

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