Tuesday, August 01, 2006

less bright, more contrast

I love my walks with Penelope Lane. She is terrible on the leash, but the walk itself usually overrides that. Today we walked in the rain. The rain seems to intensify life. The beauty of nature is less glaringly bright and the contrast is heightened. I very often alter my photos with 'less bright, more contrast'. (I haven't felt that taking my camera out in the rain would be a very good idea.)
The rain intensifies more than the beauty of nature. It seems to intensify feelings as well. It is considered romantic and dramatic, soothing and cleansing - at the very least emotional in some way. I did decide that in all that beauty no one wishes for rain on their wedding day, but they may for their wedding night.
Last week I walked after an impressive storm and the rain intensified the smell of the broken trees along my walk. I smelled one group of fallen trees before I was in line to see them.
As I walked along enjoying my (puddle-) deep thoughts for the day, Pene-dog thought I was looney and the rain was only intensifying her being damp.

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