There have been a few meals that the appearance would seem to lead a person to believe that perhaps we should get points for being brave enough to attempt consumption.
Today I made a cake for the kids and when I Mom saw it cooling her initial and clearly verbalized reaction was "Oh, yuck." Upon further inspection she did feel that she was able to see a face (complete with large pink zit on the end of its nose) in the baked bubbles which made the swamp-monster appearance complete. The cake was kid-friendly when cut and tasted fine. (Due to a bit of forgetfulness on my part, the cake did not go to the daycare and will completely enjoyed by anyone we can find who will be willing to look past appearances.) I did not expect to be going to the daycare either and someday I will learn to be assertive and just say 'no'. (it was only meant to be for a couple hours and I was reacting to the drying paint at home anyway.)
Supper brought a surge of creative cooking which resulted in a meal that the dog refused to clean from the dishes. (Pene prewashes for the dishwasher - she is the not the final stage in the process.)
It didn't taste as bad as it looked, but she didn't seem to like the combination of cabbage and ketchup and worschshire. She was willing to clean the pan after Dad added his hot chili - maybe it covered the taste of the cabbage.
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