Friday, August 17, 2007

long time comin'

Today was my last day at the daycare (again). I will be able to return and work in the summers if it is still owned by the same person. I know I'll be back to visit the kids when possible. The kids have been so end-of-the-summer nutty this week (power outage didn't help) that I may not be back to visit them until at least Wednesday.

Today my final paperwork arrived to officially show that I am certified to work at the daycare. (the certification is back-dated to the completion of the course, so I've been legally working)

Today my diploma arrived to certify that I'm done. I have a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Education and minors in Chemistry and English Literature. I suppose that may ultimately boil down to 'I like to read and when I'm cooking I know some of the chemistry - and can teach both to others'. But I'm glad that it's official that when I'm reading while cooking I know the chemistry- makes life (and supper) more interesting.

Regarding supper: a week ago I got a 'triple-leftover score + a zucchini' for making an edible supper that used three different leftovers and a zucchini. I was pretty proud of myself. I don't actually know how many points are awarded for such a meal, but we thought it was rewarding in and of itself. (or filling anyway.)

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