Wednesday, September 19, 2007

He hath provided the lamb

or sandwich meat in today's case. I had been wanting sandwich meat of any type to simplify the making of my lunch for school. Today when I came home, there was waiting for me - pounds of thinly sliced roast beef. pounds. Due to letting needs be known and a bit of luck, we had been graced with leftover meat that needs to be eaten ASAP. I can work with the 'as soon as possible part', and now have more meat than I will be able to consume before it takes on the roast-beef-is-past-prime-greenish tinge. I am laughing at this fortuitous event in light of scripture that states that we only need ask to receive or that God gives us the desires of our heart. I think about the things in my life that I do regularly and even with emotion ask God for that I have seen no evidence of His having heard the request and I have to laugh at coming home to more meat than I can eat. Perhaps it is that in not knowing my own heart as well as God does, He knows that roast beef is much more what I desire than all the rest.
Whatever it is, I'll take this beef gift and enjoy my supper - and lunch - and supper.

Give us this day our daily sandwich and teach me to be thankful for it.

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