Saturday, October 13, 2007

not quite clear

Of my photos, about 2/3 of them are actually in focus. Of those, another quarter are focusing on the wrong thing. So even if they are clear, they are clear in the wrong place. It may also be possible to have the focus in the 'right' place, but then I just shouldn't have been focusing on a slug at all.

The passenger door of my car is hard to close and it has a scratch along the length of it. Four years ago, I backed up a driveway and didn't quite clear the retaining wall that was behind me. It was a short wall and I couldn't actually see it, but I did hit it for quite a while.

Within the classroom, it is one of my biggest challenges to write instructions that are clear to all of my students. We don't all see things the same way and my expectations have to been seen the same way to each of them.

Last night I stepped over a chair in the den and didn't quite clear the arm of it. I caught my middle toe as I went. I hoped that the cracking, popping sound was just the knuckle, but it hurt more than it usually does to pop a knuckle. Last night it didn't swell much, but it hurt all evening. After a night of persistent, localized, sharp aching pain, I was a bit more that the toe may have cracked. The pronounced purple-rose color along one side of it was enough for me to confirm the cause of the popping sound.
I feel that I should attempt to learn to approach chairs from the front. It may also become necessary for me to clear my bedroom floor if I hope to keep from furthering injuring my poor toe. I also ask that people would refrain from stepping on my feet for the next 2-4 weeks. (4-6?)

*next day note* - I have rediagnosed my injured toe. It is now that it was dislocated. I didn't know that a dislocation could bruise the way that it did, but it is doing so much better that it can't be cracked. I still would not mind if people would refrain from stepping on my feet.

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