Tuesday, January 09, 2007

orchids and Rorschach

Sheryl, Mark, and I went to the conservatory today. The company was delightfully invigorating. Conversing with the two of them challenges me to think.This is a rather small orchid. The background, as it often does, showed the physical structure of the greenhouse. I did a 'watercolor' effect on the picture with my photo image program. I would like to learn to paint someday, but right now it is only an expensive, time/space-consuming dream, so I'll make the computer do it.I think this reflection photo looks like the old Disney wolf is in it. I don't know what this says about my personality though. (The blue half moon to the right and low of center is his eye with his mouth going to the left and he's going to eat something.) The movement in the water is created by the curious koi mulling about near the surface. The black portions of the reflection are the beam structure in the sky roof.

I have leaned how to frame photos (click on 'photo frame') and have been enjoying the effect - boundaries can be a good thing.

"The artist doesn't see things as they are, but as he is." - Anonymous

Today I haven't seen myself as an artist, so I don't know where that leaves me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey K,
Glad to hear you did well in our Q-chem and E-chem classes. Your fish tanks will never be the same. I'll see you around this semester sometime.