Saturday, October 18, 2008

Aragorn and Aerosmith

I've been rewatching the LOTR trilogy this weekend. I'm nearly finished with 'The Two Towers', but I'm going to go to bed and will miss the not-so-grand ending until tomorrow. To recap - Two Towers has the scenes of Aragorn and Arwen separating so that he can go off and save the world and she can go off and not be subjected to the nastiness of war, evil, and
despair. When I left the movie and came back in my room Pandora was playing 'Don't Want to Miss a Thing' - the love theme through the movie Armageddon - which also features Liv Tyler as the leading love-crossed gal. It was humorous and disturbing as my mind conjured up an all new music video for 'Don't Want to Miss a Thing' - featuring Aragorn and Arwen, Aerosmith, and all the grandeur of Middle Earth. Steve Tyler looks like he could belong in Middle Earth - probably not as Liv Tyler's father though - that would be coincidental to be realistic.

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