Saturday, October 07, 2006


Yesterday a friend of mine said that her manager at work had stated that 'There was not one person at work that she could have an intelligent conversation with'. My friend had found this offensive, and rightly so. Today while I painted at my own place of employment I thought of something my mom had said to me in high school. I had come home stating that everyone hated me and I didn't get along with anyone at school. Rather than telling me to go eat worms, my mom said that it probably wasn't everyone's problem. (I was then certain that mom could join the club. ) She stated simply that in situations that one person is having a problem with everyone else, the responsibility for the situation probably lies with the one person and not with the masses. I thought of not being able to have any intelligent conversations at work. I, for one, have had delightfully intelligent conversations with Penelope Lane. At least half of the discourse is downright brilliant. (At least in my humble opinion - she is a bright little thing.) So perhaps before stating that there are not intelligent conversations to be had it may be best to first consider the common denominator.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you ever retold the story of how Penelope came into your life? You remember...."NO small dogs, and NO terrier mixes, agreed?" "Agreed....uh oh, I think we're in trouble."